700,000+ Women Live Richer Because Of This Former Teacher's Online Personal Finance Academy

In 2009, Tiffany Aliche seemed to have her finances and her life together. She had purchased her first (used car) in cash at the age of 22, and she saved $40,000 in a bank account over the course of 2.5 years. Aliche had used that money to purchase her own home at the age of 25, and she had a retirement account that was growing at lightning speed.


JEWELHONEY Tiffany Aliche


But then the Great Recession hit and, over the course of a few years, Aliche lost her job as a teacher and went on unemployment. She couldn’t afford her monthly mortgage payments, so her home began to slip into foreclosure. She moved back in with her parents and she drained her retirement account in order to get back on her feet. Aliche also fell victim to a financial scam that left her with $35,000 in credit card debt.

By the age of 31, she had a $200,000 balance left on her mortgage, $50,000 in student loan debt, and soul-crushing credit card debt she couldn’t pay off because she still didn’t have a job. She felt hopeless and hit rock bottom, she says, until she had some sort of revelation.

“I realized that, despite my situation, I knew the financial basics like how to budget and save,” she says.

After all, her father was a CFO and an accountant, and he had taught her and her four sisters a ton about money during their weekly family meetings. 

How Tiffany Aliche Became the “Budgetnista”

Once Aliche decided she was down but not out, she decided to do whatever it took to get back on track. It all started with managing her unemployment money better so she could keep up with her bills, but she also started babysitting, tutoring and finding other odd jobs.

Aliche says her friends were also struggling through the recession and started noticing her progress. Before long she was coaching them, she said, followed by friends of friends and other people she connected with along the way. Over time, she started charging $50, then $75, then $100 per coaching session.

But Aliche had a bigger version for her financial coaching brand.

“I started to do the math,” says Aliche. “If I could teach in a class setting vs. one-on-one, I could make more while working less.”

From there, Aliche reached out to the nonprofits she volunteered with while unemployed and landed a contract with the United Way. She wrote and taught financial classes for the community for them, and they paid her real money she started stockpiling to get even further ahead.

Her work started to snowball from there until Aliche launched “The Budgetnista” — her financial education business. Within five years, her community grew to include hundreds of thousands of women worldwide. 

She started offering free services and mentoring, but her vision eventually evolved to become the Live Richer Academy — Aliche’s online school. Aliche says she created the Academy to give women access to the tools and resources needed to achieve financial freedom on their own terms.

Building a New, Debt-Free Life

While she struggled to get her personal finance academy off the ground at first — and it almost closed its doors during a brief period in 2017 — she and business partner Jubril Agoro eventually figured out how to make it work. 

Instead of creating the content they thought participants wanted, they started asking students what they wanted and creating content around their answers. 

“By the end of 2017, we had turned things around and made our first seven figures,” says Aliche.

These days, the company is earning several million dollars per year. The Live Richer Academy is 100% also self-funded and debt-free with low overhead. Further, approximately 25,000 women take part in the academy at any given time.

Business success aside, Aliche says the biggest change in her life she has gained along the way is the sense of freedom she now enjoys. Not only did she go from having a negative net worth in 2009 to having a seven-figure net worth in over eight years, but she dropped the weight of her debt and all the stress that came with it. 

“Debt is bondage — emotional and financial bondage,” she says.

Aliche says that she also bought two homes in cash last year, paid off her parent’s house, and paid off her student loans in one lump sum.

“I don’t have any debt now. My car is paid off and my credit card is paid each month in full,” she says. “It still feels a little strange going food shopping and not adding up my cart before I got to check out. Strange, but good.”

Finding Success by Helping Others

Outward success aside, Aliche says she really thrives on helping others reach their personal goals. While the Live Richer Academy boasts around 25,000 students, Aliche’s personal brand — The Budgetnista — serves over 700,000 women. Her Facebook group alone has over 400,000 followers, so that says a lot!


JEWELHONEY Tiffany Aliche founder of the Live Richer Challenge


On any given day, you can find Aliche giving actionable tips on boosting credit, paying off debt, or saving for the future. Aliche says she gives a lot of her work away for free — even though some people in her industry think it’s crazy.

In January 2019, she also got the chance to transform her commitment to financial education into legislation by partnering with Assemblywoman Angela V. McKnight to write a bill that was later signed into Law A1414 (The Budgetnista Law). This law made it mandatory for financial education to be integrated into all middle schools in New Jersey, and it tacks on to an existing law that mandates financial education for high school students in the state.

The Budgetnista’s Tips for Business Success

If your goal is building an online brand of any kind or creating a platform that teaches others, Aliche offers some basic tips that can help you succeed.

For starters, she says you should take care of your audience and they will do the same in return.

“The more I give and share, the more they respond,” she said. “Forming a genuine connection with your audience will help your business thrive.”

Second, never assume you know what your audience wants. Ask them what they want and build your business around it, she says. 

Third, know your numbers. For example, you need to have an idea of the lifetime value of your customers (how much the average customer will spend) and the average churn rate — or the rate at which customers stop subscribing.

“Numbers are the lifeblood of your business,” she says. 

Finally, start practicing leadership early. You’re going to need a team to help you, but learning to be a leader isn’t easy.

“There’s a leadership curve,” says Aliche. But the better leader you become, the happier your team and your customers will be.